I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.
Legacy:UnrealScript Entry Points/Controller Events
- 1 Entry Points: Engine.Controller
- 1.1 event MayFall()
- 1.2 event AIHearSound ()
- 1.3 event SoakStop()
- 1.4 event LongFall()
- 1.5 event bool NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange()
- 1.6 event bool NotifyHeadVolumeChange()
- 1.7 event bool NotifyLanded()
- 1.8 event bool NotifyHitWall()
- 1.9 event bool NotifyBump()
- 1.10 event NotifyHitMover()
- 1.11 event NotifyJumpApex()
- 1.12 event NotifyMissedJump()
- 1.13 event bool AllowDetourTo()
- 1.14 simulated event RenderOverlays()
- 1.15 event PrepareForMove()
- 1.16 event float Desireability()
- 1.17 event SetupSpecialPathAbilities()
- 1.18 event HearNoise()
- 1.19 event SeePlayer()
- 1.20 event SeeMonster()
- 1.21 event EnemyNotVisible()
- 1.22 event MonitoredPawnAlert()
- 2 Back to Parent
Entry Points: Engine.Controller[edit]
event MayFall()[edit]
//return true if allowed to fall - called by engine when pawn is about to fall
event AIHearSound ()[edit]
event SoakStop()[edit]
event LongFall()[edit]
// called when latent function WaitForLanding() doesn't return after 4 seconds
event bool NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange()[edit]
// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified
event bool NotifyHeadVolumeChange()[edit]
// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified
event bool NotifyLanded()[edit]
// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified
event bool NotifyHitWall()[edit]
// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified
event bool NotifyBump()[edit]
// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified
event NotifyHitMover()[edit]
event NotifyJumpApex()[edit]
event NotifyMissedJump()[edit]
event bool AllowDetourTo()[edit]
simulated event RenderOverlays()[edit]
event PrepareForMove()[edit]
event float Desireability()[edit]
event SetupSpecialPathAbilities()[edit]
// called before start of navigation network traversal to allow setup of transient navigation flags
event HearNoise()[edit]
event SeePlayer()[edit]
// called when a player (bIsPlayer==true) pawn is seen
event SeeMonster()[edit]
// called when a non-player (bIsPlayer==false) pawn is seen